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ADAMS, Charles Darwin
- Date of Birth: October 21, 1856
- Born City: Keene
- Born State/Country: NH
- Parents: Daniel Emerson, a Congregational minister, & Ellen Frances Kingsbury A.
- Date of Death: May 28, 1938
- Death City: New Milford
- Death State/Country: CT
- Married: Julia A. Stevens, 24 Aug. 1881.
- Education:
A.B. Dartmouth, 1877; A.M., 1880; Andover Theol. Sem., 1879-81; ordained Congreg. minister, 1855; Ph.D. Kiel, 1891; Litt. D. Dartmouth, 1927.
- Dissertation:
"De periodorum formis et successionibus in Demosthenis oratione Chersonesitica" (Keil, 1891).
- Professional Experience:
Teacher, Morrisville, VT, 1877-9; instr. Gk., Cushing Academy (Ashburnham, MA) 1881-4; prof. Gk. Drury Coll. (Springfield, MO) 1884-93; actng. pres., 1892-3; Lawrence prof. Gk. Dartmouth, 1893-1927; asso. ed.1907-8; first pres. CANE, 1906-7.
- Publications:
"The Harpalos Case," TAPA 32 (1901) 121-53; Lysias Selected Speeches XII, XVI, XIX, XXII, XXIV, XXV, XXXII, XXXIV (New York, 1905); "Notes on the Peace of Philocrates," TAPA 41 (1910) 55-63; "Are the 'Speeches' of Demosthenes to be Regarded as Political Pamphlets?," TAPA 43 (1912) 5-22; "Recent Views of the Political Influence of Isocrates," CP 7 (1912) 343-50; "Demosthenes' Avoidance of Breves," CP 12 (1917) 271-94; The Speeches of Aeschines (trans.), LCL (London & New York, 1919); "Τὰ Γέρρα Ἐνεπίμπρασαν, Demosthenes xviii.169," CP 16 (1921) 1-11; Demosthenes and His Influence (New York, 1927); "Speeches VIII and X of the Demosthenic Corpus," CP 33 (1938) 129-44.
- Notes:
Charles Darwin Adams studied at Kiel under Friedrich Blass and brought back to Dartmouth his combined enthusiasm for teaching and scholarship. As H. E. Burton put it, "As an alumnus of the college of Webster and Choate he perhaps came naturally under the spell of Greek oratory, and to this subject he consecrated the study of his mature years." His work on Aeschines, Demosthenes, and Lysias is still useful. In addition to this scholarship, he helped found and lead CANE. His hobbies included gardening and hiking, which he loved avidly, the latter leading to his founding of the Dartmouth Outing Club. He retired from his alma mater on the fiftieth anniversary of his graduation.
- Sources:
H. E. Burton, CJ 34 (1938-9) 59-60; NatCAB 29:368-9; WhAm 4:13.
- Author: Ward W. Briggs, Jr.