• Date of Birth: February 17, 1900
  • Born City: Corbetton
  • Born State/Country: ON
  • Parents: Thomas & Margaret Jane Shannon B.
  • Date of Death: September 17, 1993
  • Death City: Chapel Hill
  • Death State/Country: NC
  • Married: Annie Leigh Hobson, 4 Sept. 1931.
  • Education:

    B.A. U. Toronto, 1921; M.A., 1922, LL.D., 1971; study at U. Chicago, 1922-3, 1925; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins, 1928, LL.D. 1969; LL.D. U. North Carolina, 1974.

  • Dissertation:

    "The Romanization of Africa Proconsularis" (Johns Hopkins, 1928); printed Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, Extra Series 5 (Baltimore, 1929; repr. New York, 1968)

  • Professional Experience:

    Instr. Gk. Amherst Coll., 1926-7; asso. to prof. Lat. Bryn Mawr, 1928-65; sec. faculty, 1954-64; Paddison prof, class. U. North Carolina, 1965-70; vis. prof. Johns Hopkins, 1938-40; prof.-in-chge. Sch Class. Stud. AAR, 1959-61; dir. Am. office L'Année Philologique, 1965-8; ann. mem. IAS, 1971-2; mem. vis. comm. dept. class. Harvard, 1967-72; Guggenheim fell., 1945-6, 1959-60; Fulbright res. grant (Italy), 1951-2; asso. trustee U. Pennsylvania, 1955-9; Goodwin Award, 1953; fell. AAAS, 1962; corr. fell. British Academy; Germ. Archaeol. Inst.; mem. APhS, 1955; ed. anc. hist, articles, AHistRev 1930-1993; ed. TAPA 72-4 (1941-3); Monographs of the APA 11-12; pres. APA, 1953-4; hon. mem. Soc. Promo. Rom. Stud., 1967.

  • Publications:

    "The Inscription of Phileros," AJP 50 (1929) 279-85; "Some Notes on the War with the Homonadeis," AJP 54 (1933) 134-44; "Roman Landholding in Asia Minor," TAPA 65 (1934) 207-39; "Some Non-Colonial Coloni of Augustus," TAPA 66 (1935) 18-24; "Was Sallust Fair to Cicero?", TAPA 67 (1936) 34-46; Roman Asia Minor in Tenney Frank, An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome, IV (Baltimore, 1938) 4:499-916; "A Greek Inscription from Tarsus," AJA 42 (1938) 55-7; General Index. An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome, I-V, with L.R. Taylor et al. (Baltimore, 1940); "Notes on Roman Magistrates. I. The Command of M. Antonius in Cilicia. II. Lucullus' Commission and Pompey's Acta," TAPA 77 (1946) 35-43; "The Elogia of Julius Caesar's Father," AJA 52 (1948) 323-30; "More Notes on Roman Magistrates. I. A Legateship of Julius Caesar. 2. The Governors of Asia from 74-58 B.C. 3. Metellus Celer's Gallic Province. 4. Cassius Dio on Sallust's Praetorship," TAPA 79 (1948) 63-78; "The Order of the Two Consuls' Names in the Yearly Lists," with L.R. Taylor, MAAR 19 (1949) 1-14; 27 articles in Oxford Classical Dictionary (Oxford, 1949) (these revised plus 18 more for 2d ed., 1970); The Magistrates of the Roman Republic, APA Philol. Mongr. XV, vol. I, with Marcia L. Patterson (New York, 1951), vol. II (1952); Supplement (1960; rev. ed., Atlanta, GA, 1986); "New Evidence on Temple-Estates in Asia Minor," in Studies in Roman Economic and Social History in Honor of Allan Chester Johnson (Princeton, 1951) 236-50; "The Romanization of Spain: the Problem and the Evidence," PAPhS 103 (1959) 645-51; 21 articles in Encyclopedia Britannica (Chicago, 1963-7); "Municipal Institutions in Roman Spain," Journal of World History 9 (1965) 126-42; "The Order of the Consuls' Names in Official Republican Lists," with L.R. Taylor, Historia 17 (1968) 166-72; Theodor Mommsen, The Provinces of the Roman Empire: The European Provinces (ed.) (Chicago, 1968); "Senate and Senators of the Roman Republic," ANRW\,\ (Berlin, 1972) 250-65; "Oil-Producing Estates in Roman Baetica," Homenaje Garcia Bel-lido IV (Madrid, 1979) 153-60; "Mistreatment of Foreign Legates and the Fetial Priests: Three Roman Examples," Phoenix 61 (1987) 50-62; "M. Aemilius Lepidus: His Youthful Career," in Studio Pompeiana & Classica in Honor ofWilhelmina F. Jashemski, vol. II: Classica (New York, 1989) 13-23; Candidates Defeated in Roman Elections: Some Ancient Roman "Also-Rans" TAPhS 81 (1991).Festschrift: Broughtonian Studies: A Colloquium on Roman History in Honor of T. Robert S. Broughton (Chapel Hill, NC, 1970). Bibliography: Broughtonian Studies, 5-13 (to 1969).

  • Notes:

    T. R. S. Broughton was born in a small village in Ontario, Canada. He came, as he often proudly remarked, from the sturdy farmer stock, and he himself was not a stranger to farm work. His first two books, The Romanization of Africa Proconsularis (1929) and Roman Asia Minor (1938; despite new archaeological and epigraphical finds still the basic treatment of the subject), and a score of learned articles, had put him in the forefront of the students of ancient Rome. But then in 1951-2 there appeared his monumental The Magistrates of the Roman Republic. In this century four scholars changed the landscape of Roman studies: Friedrich Münzer (prosopographical contributions), Matthias Gelzer (Die Nobilität der römischen Republik [1912]), Ronald Syme (The Roman Revolution [1939])—and Broughton (Magistrates). Every year in Rome many dozens of various magistrates were elected or appointed. Modern Roman historians had a dream that all these men (and women: the Vestals) would one day be securely identified, distributed into single years, arranged in a clear chronological pattern of their political careers. Various attempts had been made (the first in the sixteenth century), none successful. The task was too daunting: five hundred years of history, many thousands of names, scattered throughout several scores of Greek and Roman authors, or to be found on coins and inscriptions. This was the task that the MRR accomplished, a labor of infinite erudition, patience, and wisdom. Most Roman republican historians at work today grew up in the monumental shadow of MRR. But this work also casts a shadow over its author. It concealed his immense learning, stretching far beyond the magistrates, Asia Minor or Africa (it also overshadowed some 50 articles and 90 reviews, many of them small masterpieces). Broughton was possessed of a phenomenal memory: with him at one's side, as many of his students and colleagues will attest, there was no need for Pauly-Wissowa. He loved literature, and would often recite long passages from an astounding variety of Greek and Latin authors, from Homer to the Greek Anthology, and from the English poets. A sense of gentle humor emanated from him; he cherished the title of his last monograph, on the candidates defeated in Roman elections: "Also-Rans." Of all the distinctions he received, the most symbolic was that of an Honorary Member of the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies (1967), only the third American so honored. The two others were his venerated teacher Tenney Frank and his Bryn Mawr colleague Lily Ross Taylor, also a student of Frank's, a veritable American Roman dynasty.

  • Sources:

    Autobiography (composed ca. 1980, with short additions up to 1986), published as Autobiography: A Scholar's Life, edd. T. C. Brennan, T. Alan Broughton, R. C. Fowler, A. G. Scott, & K. J. Shea, AJAH n.s. 5 (2006) [2008] (Piscataway NJ: Gorgias Press, 2008); WhWh 1980-1: 437.

  • Author: Jerzy Linderski