• Date of Birth: January 29, 1886
  • Born City: Lincoln
  • Born State/Country: NE
  • Parents: James Duncan, a newspaper editor/publisher, & Odus Marcella Alderman C.
  • Date of Death: June 16, 1942
  • Death City: Berkeley
  • Death State/Country: CA
  • Married: Ellinor McKay Miller, 18 Dec. 1913
  • Education:

    A.B. John B. Stetson U., 1906; U. Chicago, 1907; Ph.D., 1911

  • Dissertation:

    “Athenian Clubs in Politics and Litigation” (Chicago, 1911); printed (Houston, 1912)

  • Professional Experience:

    Adj. prof. Gk., U. Texas, 1911-7; asst. prof., to prof. Gk. U. California (Berkeley), 1917-42; chair, Gk. dept., 1923-4; class., dept., 1939-42; manager, U. California Press, 1924-33; pres. APA, 1940-1.

  • Publications:

    “Documentary Frauds in Litigation at Athens,” CP 9 (1914) 134-44; “Perjury before Athenian Arbitrators,” CP 10 (1915) 1-7; “Ἐρίσκηψις and the Δίκη Ψευδομαρτυρίων,” CP 11 (1916) 365-94; The Business Life of Ancient Athens (Chicago, 1926); The Ancient Greeks and the Evolution of Standards in Business (Boston & New York, 1926); The Growth of Criminal Law in Ancient Greece (Berkeley, 1927); A Working Bibliography of Greek Law with Catherine Delamere (Cambridge, 1927); “Risk in Sea Loans in Ancient Athens,” Journal of Economics and Business History 2 (1930) 560-84; “Ancient Athenian Mining,” Journal of Economics and Business History 3 (1931) 333-61; “Homeric Repetitions,” UCPCP 12 (1933) 1-25; “Classes and Masses in Homer,” CP 29 (1934) 192-208, 301-16; “A Problem of Authenticity (Demosthenes 29),” TAPA 65 (1934) 80-102; “The Art of the Formula in Homer—ΕΠΕΑ ΠΤΕΡΟΕΝΤΑ,” CP 30 (1935) 215-27; “The Higher Criticism on Olympus,” AJP 58 (1937) 257-74; “The Poet and the Muses in Homer,” CP 33 (1938) 157-66; “Homer's Gods—Myth and Marchen,” AJP 60 (1939) 1-28; “The Divine Entourage in Homer,” AJP 61 (1940) 257-77; Introduction to Greek Legal Science (Oxford, 1944).

  • Notes:

    George Calhoun was an authority on Greek government, law, and economics, whose books and articles greatly advanced our knowledge of these fields. From these studies he acquired an extraordinary knowledge of the orations of Demosthenes and after 1930 he devoted much time to the Homeric epics. His sudden death cut short his plan for a book on the Homeric text tradition. A student of Robert J. Bonner at Chicago, he wrote The Growth of Criminal Law in Ancient Athens , a significant contribution to the study of ancient law, as was also his Introduction to Greek Legal Science , published after his death. As a teacher of the Homeric epics, he emphasized translation into appropriate English prose, and for the purpose recommended the prose style of William Morris's romances.

  • Sources:

    Fontenrose , 45-7; Ivan M Linforth, CJ 38 (1942-3) 57-9; NatCAB 41:608; WhAm , 2:97.

  • Author: Joseph Fontenrose