A.B. U. Pennsylvania, 1866; A.M., 1869; Litt. D., 1894.
Professional Experience:
Instr. mathematics, U. Pennsylvania, 1867-8; instr. Lat. & Gk. Lehigh, 1869-73; instr. math. U. Pennsylvania, 1873-8; prof. Gk. & Lat., 1878-80; prof. Gk., 1880-8; prof. Gk. lang. & lit., 1888-1910; dean dept. philos., 1894-6; dean Coll. Arts & Sci., 1896-7.
I. Πρόςwith the Accusative. II. Note on the Antigone. Publ. of U. Penn. Ser. in Philol., Lit., & Arch., 1,3 (Philadelphia, 1891); The Sixth and Seventh Books of Thucydides (New York, 1886); Thucydides Books II and III (New York, 1905); The University of Pennsylvania and Her Sons (Boston & Syracuse, 1899).
Though Lamberton as a boy showed a special aptitude for mathematics as well as classics, he became a classicist. Henry Drisler invited him to assist in editing the Harper's series of texts for use in colleges. Lamberton contributed two volumes on Thucydides and in 1902 he made a translation of Euripides' Iphigenia in Tauris for a student production. He was offered the directorship of the ASCSA several times, but he declined. (It was offered to his colleague W. N. Bates in 1905.) He shocked Philadelphians when after painstaking study he revealed that the story of Christ walking "on" the Sea of Galilee should instead read "near" the sea. More astounding was his claim that after working on a difficult geometry problem for several days, he awoke one morning to see the answer appear on the wall of his bedroom.
Old Penn Weekly Review (8 Oct. 1910) 11-2; U. Pennsylvania Archives; WhAm 1:700.