• Date of Birth: February 01, 1927
  • Born City: Rochester
  • Born State/Country: NY
  • Parents: Harry & Rose Chapman L.
  • Date of Death: November 23, 1991
  • Married: Barbara Lila Bieber, 12 June 1949.
  • Education:

    A.B. Cornell, 1949; A.M. 1952; A.M. Harvard, 1954, Ph.D., 1957.

  • Dissertation:

    “Ethical Implications of the πέρας-ἄπειρον Dichotomy as Seen Particularly in the Works of Aeschylus” (Harvard, 1957; see Harvard University Bulletin (1957) 519-22).

  • Professional Experience:

    Instr. to asst. prof. Washington U. (St. Louis), 1956-59; asst. prof. Mt. Holyoke, 1959-63; assoc. prof. classics, Rice U., 1963-68; prof. 1968-91.

  • Publications:

    “Ambiguities of Expression in Catullus 66 and 67,” CP LIV (1959) 109-111; “Horace, Carm. II. 10. Stylistic Observations,” CJ LIV (1959) 169-171; “Concerning Two Odes of Horace, I.4 and IV.7,” CJ LIV (1959) 354-358; “Concerning Propertius I, 2,” CB XXXV (1959) 69-70; “Croesus as Ideal Tragic Hero,” CB XXXVI (1960) 33-34; “Odysseus' Truthful Untruths,” CB XXXVII (1961) 76; “Thought-Progression in Horace, Carmina I.5,” CJ LVI (1961) 356-358; “Quaestiones Erinneanae,” HSPC LXVI (1962) 193-204; “Apolloniana Minora,” TAPA XCIII (1962) 154-163; “Zeus's Orchard without Zeus's Palace,” CP LVIII (1963) 107-109; “An Epithet for Argos in Apollonius,” GRBS IV (1963) 9-17; “μετα- or προς- ?,” CP LIX (1964) 181-184; “Verbal Repetitions in the Lyrics of Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus,” CB XLI (1964) 5-7 & 9-10; “The Alleged Date of Tibullus' Death,” CJ LXII (1967) 311-14; “Horace's Preoccupation with Death,” CJ LXIII (1968) 315-20; “Two Epithets of Aristaeus,” Hermes XCVII (1969) 498-501; “Δίπλαξ πορφυρέη,” RFIC XCVIII (1970) 17-36;“Propertius, Catullus, and Three Kinds of Ambiguous Expression,” TAPA C (1969) 221-35; Apollonius' Argonautica Re-Examined I: The Neglected First and Second Books Mnemosyne Suppl.  XIII (Leiden: Brill, 1971) REVIEWS: JHS XCII 1972 203-205 Griffiths; “Apollonius' Heracles,” CJ LXVII (1971) 22-28 | AC XLII 1973 246 Schwartz | Gnomon XLVI 1974 346-353 Vian | CR XXIV 1974 36-38 Giangrande | CP LXX 1975 150-151 Garson |0 Mnemosyne XXXIII 1980 441-442 Bartelink | AAHG XXXIII 1980 190-192 Walter; “Euripides, Hippolytus 88-89. Another Possibility,” CB XLVII (1971) 44-45; “Some Observations Concerning Plato's Lysis,” in Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, ed. J.P. Anton & G.L. Kustas (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1971) 236-258; “Arrius and His Uncle,” Latomus XXXII (1973) 587-94; “Hellenistic Echoes in Propertius' First Elegy,” GB III (1975) 215-21; “Specimens from Herondas' Zoo,” ZAnt XXVI (1976) 57-62; “An Herondean Diptych,” ZAnt XXVI (1976) 345-55; “The Pivotal Role of Lycaenion in Longus' Pastorals,” RSC XXV (1977) 5-17; “To Whom Did the Ancient Novelists Address Themselves?,” RSC XXV (1977) 18-29; “War and Peace in Early Roman Elegy,” ANRW II.30.1 (1982) 418-538; “Reflections of the Epic Tradition in the Elegies of Tibullus,” ANRW II.30.3 (1983) 2000-2127; “Horace, Carm. 3.1.42 again. A belated, but brief, rejoinder to Mr. Nisbet,” LCM XIII (1988) 16; “Dormitant commentatores Heliodori,LCM XV (1990) 29; “Aethiopica III-IV: Greek Dunces, Egyptian Sage,” Athenaeum LXXX (1992) 499-506.

  • Notes:

    After graduating from high school in his native Rochester, New York, Mr. Levin served in the U.S. Navy in 1945-46. While still a grad­uate student, he taught at Cornell, Reed College, and Har­vard. He also taught at Washington University and Mount Holyoke before coming to Rice University. He was the author of Apollonius Argonautica Reexamined: I. The Neglected First & Second Books (1971) and two monographs in ANRW: "War and Peace in Roman Elegy" (II 30.1: 1982) and "Reflections of the Epic Tradition in the Elegies of Tibullus" (II 30.3: 1983). A frequent presenter at APA meetings, he wrote many articles and reviews on Greek and Roman poetry and novel, and had nearly completed a book, Essays on the Aethiopica of Heliodorus, at the time of his death. In addition, Mr. Levin had published original poetry in both English and French. A somewhat shy and retiring scholar, Mr. Levin was the kindest and most supportive of colleagues. His wide and deep learning and gentle presence will be sorely missed.

  • Sources:

    APA Newsletter (February 1992) 19.

  • Author: Kristine G. Wallace