All Scholars
- Date of Birth: January 20, 1877
- Born City: Illiopolis
- Born State/Country: IL
- Parents: William Russell & Matilda Weller V.
- Date of Death: September 06, 1953
- Death City: New York
- Death State/Country: NY
- Married: Edith von Baur, 14 June 1910.
- Education:
A.B. U. Michigan, 1899; Ph.D. U. Chicago, 1904; study at ASCSA; Halle.
- Dissertation:
"The Metaphorical Terminology of Greek Rhetoric and Literary Criticism" (Chicago, 1905); printed (Chicago, 1905).
- Professional Experience:
Actng. prof. Gk. U. Colorado, 1902-3; instr. Gk. & Lat. Bradley Inst. (Peoria, IL), 1904; Washington U. (St. Louis), 1905; preceptor in class., Princeton, 1905-10; asso. prof, to prof. Gk. & Lat. Barnard Coll., 1910-30; ann. prof. ASCSA, 1930-1; sec. mng. comm. 1938-45; Jay prof. Gk., Columbia, 1931-42; mem. Agora Comm. in charge of excav., 1931-9; fell. A AS.
- Publications:
"The Criticism of Photius in the Attic Orators," TAPA 38 (1907) 41-7; "The Literary Criticism in the Bibliotheca of Photius," CP 4 (1909) 178-89; "Greek Rhetorical Terminology in Puttenham's The Arte of English Poesie," TAPA 45 (1914) 111-28; "The 'Thought' Motif of Wisdom versus Folly in Greek Tragedy," AJP 39 (1918) 393-401; "The Exposure of Infants at Athens," TAPA 51 (1920) 134-45; Greek Life and Thought: A Portrayal of Greek Civilization (New York, 1923); "New Light on the Classical Scholarship of Thomas Gray," AJP 57 (1936) 1-9; "On the Meaning of ΛΙΠΑΡΟΣ,” Studies Capps, 343-46; Isocrates, vol. 3 (trans.), LCL (Cambridge & London, 1945).
- Notes:
Holder of the Jay Professorship of Greek, one of the oldest endowed chairs in the United States, Larue Van Hook gave his life devotedly and unostentatiously to teaching, scholarship, and the work of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens. His Greek Life and Thought, still useful, was a testimonial to his devotion to Greek studies. He would have approved of Cato's words in Joseph Addison's Cato: "Content thyself to be obscurely good."
- Sources:
Archaeology 6 (Dec. 1953) 244; NYTimes (7 Sept. 1953) 19; Sch. & Soc. 78 (19 Sept. 1953) 94; Wilson Lib. Bull. 28 (Nov. 1953) 236; WhAm 3:874.
- Author: Meyer Reinhold