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CARNE-ROSS, Donald Selwyn
- Date of Birth: November 19, 1921
- Born City: Havana
- Born State/Country: Cuba
- Parents: Kenneth Selwyn & Beatrice May Pattison C-R.
- Date of Death: January 9, 2010
- Death City: Wellseley
- Death State/Country: MA
- Married: Dorothy Rosemary Picton, July, 1943; Xanthe Wakefield, 11 September 1957; Luna Wolf ???
- Education:
A.B. Oxford; M.A. 1939; M.A., Cornell, 1961.
- Professional Experience:
Translator, Royal Air Force, 1942-5; producer, Third Programme, BBC, 1946-50; Faculty, NYU, 1950-61; Prof. of Romance Languages and Classics, U.of Texas, 1961-9; vis. prof. Comparative Literature & Italian, Columbia, 1964-5; prof. and William Goodwin Aurelio Prof. Gk. Lang. & Lit., Boston U., 1971-2002; co-founder, Arion, 1962; Guggenheim fell. (Italian literature) 1963-4; co-founder, National Translation Center, 1965; co-founder, Delos, 1965.
- Publications:
“A Commentary on Yeats’ ‘Coole and Ballylee, 1931.’ ” Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism No. 1 [also 1:1] (October 1949): 21–4; “The Cantos as Epic.” Ezra Pound: A Collection of Essays Edited by Peter Russell to Be Presented to Ezra Pound on His Sixty-fifth Birthday (London: Peter Nevill, 1950): 134–53 (volume repr. New York: Haskell House, 1968; repr. as An Examination of Ezra Pound: A Collection of Essays, ed. Peter Russell (Norfolk, CT: New Directions, 1950; rev. & enlarged: New York: Gordian Press, 1973.); “Translation and Anthology.” Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism No. 2 [also 2:1] (January 1950): 58–60; “Ransom’s ‘Judith of Bethulia.’ ” Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism No. 3 [also 2:2] (May 1950): 91–95; Untitled Review. Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism No. 3 [also 2:2] (May 1950): 146–147; “Giovanni Meli: ‘Summer’: Translations and Commentary.” Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism No. 4 [also 2:3] (August 1950): 227–231; “The Position of The Family Reunion in the Work of T. S. Eliot.” Rivista di letterature moderne 1 (October 1950): 125–139. “Editorial Statement.” Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism No. 5 [also 2:4] (November 1950): 269–279; “Bread and The New Statesman.” Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism No. 5 [also 2:4] (November 1950): 352–353. “Correspondence.” Nine: A Magazine of Literature and the ArtsNo. 6 [also 3:1] (December 1950): 94. “Introduction to Ariosto.” Nine: A Magazine of Literature and the Arts No. 7 [also 3:2] (Autumn 1951): 113–125. “A Note on Gongora’s Polifemo.” With Iain Fletcher. Nine: A Magazine of Literature and the Arts No. 7 [also 3:2] (Autumn 1951): 188–190. “The Hippolytus of Euripides: A New Version by Iain Fletcher and D. S. Carne-Ross.” Colonnade 2:4 (Autumn 1953), in Adam International Review 21:235-236-237 (1953): 15–48. Reprinted in Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife in World Literature: An Anthology of the Story of the Chaste Youth and the Lustful Stepmother, ed. John D. Yohannan (New York: New Directions, 1968): 28–77. Unsigned article[s]. People: A Volume of the Good, Bad, Great & Eccentric Who Illustrate the Admirable Diversity of Man, ed. Geoffrey Grigson and Charles Harvard Gibbs-Smith (London: Grosvenor Press, 1954; repr. New York: Hawthorn Books. 1957). “Word for Word.” The Times Literary Supplement (October 1, 1954): 625. Pindar. “Dithyramb.” Tr. Robert Garioch, with the help of D. S. Carne-Ross. The Times Literary Supplement (April 29, 1955): 204. “Poetry Now.” The Times Literary Supplement(November 9, 1956): 665; “Translation and Transposition.” The Craft and Context of Translation, ed. William Arrowsmith and Roger Shattuck. (Austin, TX: The University of Texas Press for the Humanities Research Center, 1961; repr. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books): 3–21; “Structural Translation: Notes on Logue’s Patrokleia.” Arion 1:2 (Summer 1962): 27–38; (also published as the postscript to Patrocleia of Homer, trans. Christopher Logue (1963)); “The Latin Penguin,” with J.P. Sullivan, Arion 1 (1962) 96-108; “Guslar with Rose-Tipped Fingers,” Arion 1 (1962) 118-25;; Cesare Pavese. “Six Dialogues with Leucò: The Lady of Beasts through the Muses,” trans. with William Arrowsmith Arion 2:2 (Summer 1963): 80–104; “Contemporary Greek,” Poetry 101 (1963) 283-6; Sophocles in the Veneto,” Arion 2:2 (Summer 1963): 123–7; Federigo Tozzi, “Journal of a Clerk,” (trans.) Six Modern Italian Novellas, ed. William Arrowsmith (New York: Pocket Books, 1964): 3–44; Italo Calvino. “A Plunge into Real Estate,” (trans.), Six Modern Italian Novellas, ed. William Arrowsmith (New York: Pocket Books, 1964): 313–98; repr. Italo Calvino, Difficult Loves(London: Secker & Warburg, 1983): 161–250; Cesare Pavese. “Six Dialogues with Leucò: ‘The Flower’ through ‘The Gods (Epilogue)’.,” trans. with William Arrowsmith, Arion 3:2 (Summer 1964): 67–85; Cesare Pavese, Dialogues with Leucò, trans. with William Arrowsmith (Ann Arbor: U. of Michigan Press, 1965); “T.S. Eliot: Tropheia.” Arion 4:1 (Spring 1965): 5–20; “How Good is Marino?” TLS (August 19, 1965): 705–6; “A Modest Proposal: To Whom it May Concern.” Arion 4:3 (Autumn 1965): 358–60; “Ekphrasis: Lights in the Santa Sophia, from Paul the Silentiary,” with Ian Fletcher, Arion 4:4 (Winter 1965): 563–81; “Sappho Herself.” New York Review of Books 6:9 (May 26, 1966): 34; “Aeschylus in Translation,” Arion 5 (1966) 73-88; Response to Willis Barnstone’s letter on “Prima Donna,” New York Review of Books 6:3 (March 3, 1966): 5–6; “The One and the Many: A Reading of Orlando Furioso, Cantos 1 and 8.” Arion 5:2 (Summer 1966): 195–234; “Pound in Texas: New Tunes for Old,” Arion 6:2 (Summer 1967): 216–32; “New Metres for Old: A Note on Pindar’s Metric,” Arion 6 (1967) 216-32; “The Two Voices of Translation,” Robert Lowell: A Collection of Critical Essays, ed. Thomas F. Parkinson (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1968): 152–70; “Conversation with Robert Lowell.” Delos 1 (1968): 165–175; “Notes Toward a Department of Literature,” Arion 7:1 (Spring 1968): 69–101; “Introduction,” Arion 7 (1968) 395-9; “The Means and the Moment,” Arion 7 (1968) 549-57; “Polygram /1: Pindar’s Twelfth Pythian,” Arion 7:2 (Summer 1968): 249–63; “Penguin Classics: A Report on Two Decades: Homer,” Arion 7:3 (Autumn 1968): 400–8; Untitled Reply, Arion 7:3 (Autumn 1968): 520–1; Response to Wayne A. Rebhorn, “Notes towards a Department of Literature: A Reply to D. S. Carne-Ross,” Arion 7:3 (Autumn 1968): 515–20; “The Means and the Moment.” Arion 7:4 (Winter 1968): 549–56. “Stendhal: Le Rouge et le Noir,” Delos 3 (1969): 80–119; “Scenario for a New Year,” Arion 8:2 (Summer 1969): 171–287; “Dark with Excessive Bright: Four Ways of Looking at Góngora,” Delos 4 (1970): 45–81; repr. as “Una oscuridad con excesiva claridad (Cuatro modos de mirar a Gongora),” trans. Carlos R. de Dampierre, Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos 259 (January 1972): 5–43; “Reverent Songs,” Arion 9 (1970) 421-31; “The Arts of Resistance.” Toothing Stones: Rethinking the Political, ed. Robert E. Meagher. (Chicago: The Swallow Press, 1972): 223–54; “Classics and the Intellectual Community,” Arion n. s. 1:1 (Spring 1973): 7–66; “Second Strings: 2: The Poetry of Michelangelo.” TLS (June 8, 1973): 639–40; “The Music of a Lost Dynasty: Pound in the Classroom.” Boston University Journal 21:1 (Winter 1973): 25–41; trans. as “La música de una dinastia perdida: Pound en el salón de clases,” Plural: Critica, arte, literatura 28 (1974): 47–54; “Dionysus in Cambridge,” Arion n.s. 1 (1973) 538-49; Mario Luzi, “A Toast,” (trans.) Twentieth-Century Italian Poetry: A Bilingual Anthology, ed. L. R. Lind. (Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1974): 320–7; “David Jones (1895–1974),” Arion n. s. 1:4 (1973-4): 693–706; “Introduction.” Sophocles. Antigone, trans. Elizabeth Wyckoff ([Haarlem]: The Limited Editions Club, 1975): 7–17; “Three Preludes for Pindar,” Arion n. s. 2:2 (1975): 160–93; “The Nipping of Our Cultural December,” Boston University Journal 23:1 (Winter 1975) 12–24; “The Anthology Transplanted,” Arion 3 (1976) 507-17; “Weaving with Points of Gold: Pindar’s Sixth Olympian,” Arion n. s. 3:1 (1976): 5–44; “The One and the Many: A Reading of the Orlando Furioso.” Arion. s. 3:2 (1976): 146–219. Instaurations: Essays in and out of Literature: Pindar to Pound. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979; “The Beastly House of Atreus,” Kenyon Review 3:2 (Spring 1981): 20–40; “Questions of Equivalence,” The American Scholar 51 (1982) 132-6; Pindar (New Haven: Yale U. Press, 1985) ) [REVS: CR XXXVI 1986 303-304 Burton ; A&R XXXI 1986 171-173 Bornmann ; G&R XXXIII 1986 86 Parker ; TLS LXXXV 1986 593 Wilson ; CJ LXXXIII 1987 59-64 Dawe ; NYRB XXXII N° 16 1985 42-45 Knox ; Platon XXXIX 1987 181-183 Rexine ; LEC LVI 1988 390-391 Mund-Dopchie ; RPL XII 1989 286-288 Shaw]; “; Foreword,” Callimachus: Hymns, Epigrams, Select Fragments, trans. Stanley Lombardo and Diane J. Rayor (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins U. Press, 1988): ix–xi; “Greek Tragedy and the Shakespearian Example,” Essays in Criticism 38 (1988) 237-45; “Montale: Translated, or Translator?” Art of Translation: Voices from the Field, ed. Rosanna Warren (Boston: Northeastern U. Press, 1989): 217–21; “Jocasta’s Divine Head: English with a Foreign Accent,” Arion 3rd ser. 1:1 (Winter 1990): 106–41; “For a Friend Who was Chased by a Shark, and Later Lay for Three Minutes on the Bed of a Lake,” Arion 3rd ser. 2:1 (Winter 1992): 221; “The Bravery of Life,” Arion 3rd ser. 2:2-3 (Spring & Fall 1992-3): 249–50; “Scott and the Matter of Scotland,” The Worth of Nations, ed. Claudio Véliz (Boston: Boston University, The University Professors, 1993): 19–29; Horace in English, ed. with Kenneth Haynes. (London: Penguin Books, 1996); Walter Scott Travesti,” Essays in Criticism 46 (1996) 359-66; “Classical Verse in Translation,” The New Criterion 14 (1996) 18; “The Life of Sir Walter Scott,” with John Sutherland, Essays in Criticism 46 (1996) 359; “John Herington 1924–1997.” Arion 3rd ser. 5:1 (Spring-Summer 1997): 1–6. “Introduction,” The Odyssey, trans. Robert Fitzgerald (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1998): ix–lxx; “Two Greek Epigrams,” Arion 3rd ser. 7:2 (Fall 1999): 92; “Three Pieces from Ariosto.” Arion3rd ser. 8:3 (Winter 2001): 1–31; “Angelica’s Flight Through the Forest.” Literary Imagination: Review of the Association of Literary Scholars and Critics 6:2 (Spring 2004): 175–92; Classics and Translation: Collected Essays, ed. Kenneth Haynes (Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell U. Press, 2010); Difficult Loves, translated from the Italian by William Weaver and Ann Goldstein and Smog, translated from the Italian by William Weaver and A Plunge into Real Estate, translated from the Italian by D.S. Carne-Ross (London: Vintage, 2018).
- Sources:
Katie Koch, “A ‘Rock Star’ of the Classics,” Bostonia (Winter-Spring, 2010); John Talbot, IJCT17 (2010) 556-64; John Talbot, “Classic Carne-Ross,” The New Criterion (May 2011) 4-11.