• Date of Birth: November 19, 1921
  • Born City: Havana
  • Born State/Country: Cuba
  • Parents: Kenneth Selwyn & Beatrice May Pattison C-R.
  • Date of Death: January 9, 2010
  • Death City: Wellseley
  • Death State/Country: MA
  • Married: Dorothy Rosemary Picton, July, 1943; Xanthe Wakefield, 11 September 1957; Luna Wolf ???
  • Education:

    A.B. Oxford; M.A. 1939; M.A., Cornell, 1961.

  • Professional Experience:

    Translator, Royal Air Force, 1942-5; producer, Third Programme, BBC, 1946-50; Faculty, NYU, 1950-61; Prof. of Romance Languages and Classics, U.of Texas, 1961-9;  vis. prof. Comparative Literature & Italian, Columbia, 1964-5;  prof. and William Goodwin Aurelio Prof. Gk. Lang. & Lit., Boston U., 1971-2002; co-founder, Arion, 1962; Guggenheim fell. (Italian literature) 1963-4; co-founder, National Translation Center, 1965; co-founder, Delos, 1965.

  • Publications:

    “A Commentary on Yeats’ ‘Coole and Ballylee, 1931.’ ” Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism No. 1 [also 1:1] (October 1949): 21–4; “The Cantos as Epic.” Ezra Pound: A Collection of Essays Edited by Peter Russell to Be Presented to Ezra Pound on His Sixty-fifth Birthday (London: Peter Nevill, 1950): 134–53 (volume repr. New York: Haskell House, 1968; repr. as An Examination of Ezra Pound: A Collection of Essays, ed. Peter Russell (Norfolk, CT: New Directions, 1950; rev. & enlarged: New York: Gordian Press, 1973.); “Translation and Anthology.” Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism No. 2 [also 2:1] (January 1950): 58–60; “Ransom’s ‘Judith of Bethulia.’ ” Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism No. 3 [also 2:2] (May 1950): 91–95; Untitled Review. Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism No. 3 [also 2:2] (May 1950): 146–147; “Giovanni Meli: ‘Summer’: Translations and Commentary.” Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism No. 4 [also 2:3] (August 1950): 227–231; “The Position of The Family Reunion in the Work of T. S. Eliot.” Rivista di letterature moderne 1 (October 1950): 125–139. “Editorial Statement.” Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism No. 5 [also 2:4] (November 1950): 269–279; “Bread and The New Statesman.” Nine: A Magazine of Poetry and Criticism No. 5 [also 2:4] (November 1950): 352–353. “Correspondence.” Nine: A Magazine of Literature and the ArtsNo. 6 [also 3:1] (December 1950): 94. “Introduction to Ariosto.” Nine: A Magazine of Literature and the Arts No. 7 [also 3:2] (Autumn 1951): 113–125. “A Note on Gongora’s Polifemo.” With Iain Fletcher. Nine: A Magazine of Literature and the Arts No. 7 [also 3:2] (Autumn 1951): 188–190. “The Hippolytus of Euripides: A New Version by Iain Fletcher and D. S. Carne-Ross.” Colonnade 2:4 (Autumn 1953), in Adam International Review 21:235-236-237 (1953): 15–48. Reprinted in Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife in World Literature: An Anthology of the Story of the Chaste Youth and the Lustful Stepmother, ed. John D. Yohannan (New York: New Directions, 1968): 28–77. Unsigned article[s]. People: A Volume of the Good, Bad, Great & Eccentric Who Illustrate the Admirable Diversity of Man, ed. Geoffrey Grigson and Charles Harvard Gibbs-Smith (London: Grosvenor Press, 1954; repr. New York: Hawthorn Books. 1957). “Word for Word.” The Times Literary Supplement (October 1, 1954): 625. Pindar. “Dithyramb.” Tr. Robert Garioch, with the help of D. S. Carne-Ross. The Times Literary Supplement (April 29, 1955): 204. “Poetry Now.” The Times Literary Supplement(November 9, 1956): 665; “Translation and Transposition.” The Craft and Context of Translation, ed. William Arrowsmith and Roger Shattuck. (Austin, TX: The University of Texas Press for the Humanities Research Center, 1961; repr. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books): 3–21; “Structural Translation: Notes on Logue’s Patrokleia.” Arion 1:2 (Summer 1962): 27–38; (also published as the postscript to Patrocleia of Homer, trans. Christopher Logue (1963)); “The Latin Penguin,” with J.P. Sullivan, Arion 1 (1962) 96-108; “Guslar with Rose-Tipped Fingers,” Arion 1 (1962) 118-25;; Cesare Pavese. “Six Dialogues with Leucò: The Lady of Beasts through the Muses,” trans. with William Arrowsmith Arion 2:2 (Summer 1963): 80–104; “Contemporary Greek,” Poetry 101 (1963) 283-6; Sophocles in the Veneto,” Arion 2:2 (Summer 1963): 123–7; Federigo Tozzi, “Journal of a Clerk,” (trans.) Six Modern Italian Novellas, ed. William Arrowsmith (New York: Pocket Books, 1964): 3–44; Italo Calvino. “A Plunge into Real Estate,” (trans.), Six Modern Italian Novellas, ed. William Arrowsmith (New York: Pocket Books, 1964): 313–98; repr. Italo Calvino, Difficult Loves(London: Secker & Warburg, 1983): 161–250; Cesare Pavese. “Six Dialogues with Leucò: ‘The Flower’ through ‘The Gods (Epilogue)’.,” trans. with William Arrowsmith, Arion 3:2 (Summer 1964): 67–85; Cesare Pavese, Dialogues with Leucò, trans. with William Arrowsmith (Ann Arbor: U. of Michigan Press, 1965); “T.S. Eliot: Tropheia.” Arion 4:1 (Spring 1965): 5–20; “How Good is Marino?” TLS  (August 19, 1965): 705–6; “A Modest Proposal: To Whom it May Concern.” Arion 4:3 (Autumn 1965): 358–60; “Ekphrasis: Lights in the Santa Sophia, from Paul the Silentiary,” with Ian Fletcher, Arion 4:4 (Winter 1965): 563–81; “Sappho Herself.” New York Review of Books 6:9 (May 26, 1966): 34; “Aeschylus in Translation,” Arion 5 (1966) 73-88; Response to Willis Barnstone’s letter on “Prima Donna,” New York Review of Books 6:3 (March 3, 1966): 5–6; “The One and the Many: A Reading of Orlando Furioso, Cantos 1 and 8.” Arion 5:2 (Summer 1966): 195–234; “Pound in Texas: New Tunes for Old,” Arion 6:2 (Summer 1967): 216–32; “New Metres for Old: A Note on Pindar’s Metric,” Arion 6 (1967) 216-32; “The Two Voices of Translation,” Robert LowellA Collection of Critical Essays, ed. Thomas F. Parkinson (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1968): 152–70; “Conversation with Robert Lowell.” Delos 1 (1968): 165–175; “Notes Toward a Department of Literature,” Arion 7:1 (Spring 1968): 69–101; “Introduction,” Arion 7 (1968) 395-9; “The Means and the Moment,” Arion 7 (1968) 549-57; “Polygram /1: Pindar’s Twelfth Pythian,” Arion 7:2 (Summer 1968): 249–63; “Penguin Classics: A Report on Two Decades: Homer,” Arion 7:3 (Autumn 1968): 400–8; Untitled Reply, Arion 7:3 (Autumn 1968): 520–1; Response to Wayne A. Rebhorn, “Notes towards a Department of Literature: A Reply to D. S. Carne-Ross,” Arion 7:3 (Autumn 1968): 515–20; “The Means and the Moment.” Arion 7:4 (Winter 1968): 549–56. “Stendhal: Le Rouge et le Noir,” Delos 3 (1969): 80–119; “Scenario for a New Year,” Arion 8:2 (Summer 1969): 171–287; “Dark with Excessive Bright: Four Ways of Looking at Góngora,” Delos 4 (1970): 45–81; repr. as “Una oscuridad con excesiva claridad (Cuatro modos de mirar a Gongora),” trans. Carlos R. de Dampierre, Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos 259 (January 1972): 5–43; “Reverent Songs,” Arion 9 (1970) 421-31; “The Arts of Resistance.” Toothing Stones: Rethinking the Political, ed. Robert E. Meagher. (Chicago: The Swallow Press, 1972): 223–54; “Classics and the Intellectual Community,” Arion n. s. 1:1 (Spring 1973): 7–66; “Second Strings: 2: The Poetry of Michelangelo.” TLS (June 8, 1973): 639–40; “The Music of a Lost Dynasty: Pound in the Classroom.” Boston University Journal 21:1 (Winter 1973): 25–41; trans. as “La música de una dinastia perdida: Pound en el salón de clases,” Plural: Critica, arte, literatura 28 (1974): 47–54; “Dionysus in Cambridge,” Arion n.s. 1 (1973) 538-49; Mario Luzi, “A Toast,” (trans.) Twentieth-Century Italian Poetry: A Bilingual Anthology, ed. L. R. Lind. (Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1974): 320–7; “David Jones (1895–1974),” Arion n. s. 1:4 (1973-4): 693–706; “Introduction.” Sophocles. Antigone, trans. Elizabeth Wyckoff ([Haarlem]: The Limited Editions Club, 1975): 7–17; “Three Preludes for Pindar,” Arion n. s. 2:2 (1975): 160–93; “The Nipping of Our Cultural December,” Boston University Journal 23:1 (Winter 1975) 12–24; “The Anthology Transplanted,” Arion 3 (1976) 507-17; “Weaving with Points of Gold: Pindar’s Sixth Olympian,” Arion n. s. 3:1 (1976): 5–44; “The One and the Many: A Reading of the Orlando Furioso.” Arion. s. 3:2 (1976): 146–219. Instaurations: Essays in and out of Literature: Pindar to Pound. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979; “The Beastly House of Atreus,” Kenyon Review 3:2 (Spring 1981): 20–40; “Questions of Equivalence,” The American Scholar 51 (1982) 132-6; Pindar (New Haven: Yale U. Press, 1985) ) [REVS:  CR XXXVI 1986 303-304 Burton ; A&R XXXI 1986 171-173 Bornmann ; G&R XXXIII 1986 86 Parker ; TLS LXXXV 1986 593 Wilson ; CJ LXXXIII 1987 59-64 Dawe ; NYRB XXXII N° 16 1985 42-45 Knox ; Platon XXXIX 1987 181-183 Rexine ; LEC LVI 1988 390-391 Mund-Dopchie ; RPL XII 1989 286-288 Shaw]; “; Foreword,” CallimachusHymns, Epigrams, Select Fragments, trans. Stanley Lombardo and Diane J. Rayor (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins U. Press, 1988): ix–xi; “Greek Tragedy and the Shakespearian Example,” Essays in Criticism 38 (1988) 237-45; “Montale: Translated, or Translator?” Art of Translation: Voices from the Field, ed. Rosanna Warren (Boston: Northeastern U. Press, 1989): 217–21; “Jocasta’s Divine Head: English with a Foreign Accent,” Arion 3rd ser. 1:1 (Winter 1990): 106–41; “For a Friend Who was Chased by a Shark, and Later Lay for Three Minutes on the Bed of a Lake,” Arion 3rd ser. 2:1 (Winter 1992): 221; “The Bravery of Life,” Arion 3rd ser. 2:2-3 (Spring & Fall 1992-3): 249–50; “Scott and the Matter of Scotland,” The Worth of Nations, ed. Claudio Véliz (Boston: Boston University, The University Professors, 1993): 19–29; Horace in English, ed. with Kenneth Haynes. (London: Penguin Books, 1996); Walter Scott Travesti,” Essays in Criticism 46 (1996) 359-66; “Classical Verse in Translation,” The New Criterion 14 (1996) 18; “The Life of Sir Walter Scott,” with John Sutherland, Essays in Criticism 46 (1996) 359; “John Herington 1924–1997.” Arion 3rd ser. 5:1 (Spring-Summer 1997): 1–6. “Introduction,” The Odyssey, transRobert Fitzgerald (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1998): ix–lxx; “Two Greek Epigrams,” Arion 3rd ser. 7:2 (Fall 1999): 92; “Three Pieces from Ariosto.” Arion3rd ser. 8:3 (Winter 2001): 1–31; “Angelica’s Flight Through the Forest.” Literary Imagination: Review of the Association of Literary Scholars and Critics 6:2 (Spring 2004): 175–92; Classics and Translation: Collected Essays, ed. Kenneth Haynes (Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell U. Press, 2010); Difficult Loves, translated from the Italian by William Weaver and Ann Goldstein and Smog, translated from the Italian by William Weaver and Plunge into Real Estate, translated from the Italian by D.S. Carne-Ross (London: Vintage, 2018).

  • Sources:

    Katie Koch, “A ‘Rock Star’ of the Classics,” Bostonia (Winter-Spring, 2010); John Talbot, IJCT17 (2010) 556-64; John Talbot, “Classic Carne-Ross,” The New Criterion (May 2011) 4-11.