• Date of Birth: November 7, 1939
  • Born City: Oakland
  • Born State/Country: CA
  • Parents: Mario Simone, a chef, & Pierina Giuseppina Cassaleggio V.
  • Date of Death: November 19, 2021
  • Death City: Michigan City
  • Death State/Country: IN
  • Married: Evelyn Moore, January 3, 2004
  • Education:

    A.B. (summa cum laude) Columbia, 1961; Ph.D., 1966; hon. Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 1961-2; Marshall Scholar (Oxford), 1961-3; B.A. Oxford (first class honours), 1961; M.A., 1967

  • Dissertation:

    “Studies in Aristophanes’ Knights” (Columbia, 1966).

  • Professional Experience: Instr. Columbia, 1964-7; asst. prof., 1967-71; acting co-chair, Columbia University Seminar in Classical Civilization, 1967, 1871, 1973-4; co-chair, 1974-5; asst. prof. Hunter College (CUNY), 1971-4; asso. prof., 1974-5; asso. prof., U. of Illinois at Chicago Circle, 1975-2003; chair, dept. classics, 1975-7; interim dir. grad. Studies, 2000-1, 2002-3; prof., 2003.
  • Publications:

    “The Authenticity and Relevance of Propertius 2:14.29-32,” CP 57 (1962) 236-8; “The New Fragments of Euripides’ Oedipus,” GRBS 5 (1964) 43-55; “The Unity and Historical Occasion of Horace, Carm. 1.7,” CP 61 (1966) 168-75; “Babrius 143.1 Perry,” CR n.s. 18 (1968) 149; “Four Notes on the Text of Babrius,” CP 64 (1969) 154-61; “An Alleged paraphrase of Babrius,” GRBS 11 (1970) 49-52; “Aristophanes’ Wasps: The Relevance of the Final Scenes,” GRBS 12 (1971) 335-51; “Babrius 110.3-4,” Philologus 117 (1973) 140-1; “The Manipulation of Theme and Action in Aristophanes’ Lysistrata,” GRBS 14 (1973) 369-80; “Aeschylus, Frag. 223aq.1M: a Note on Metrical Usage,” Philologus 118 (1974) 158-9; “A New Manuscript of Babrius: Fact or Fable?,” ICS 2 (1977) 175-83; “New Non-Evidence for the Name of Babrius,” Emerita 48 (1980) 1-3; “Another Forgery from the Pen of Mynas? (Paris. Suppl. Gr. 1245),” Corolla Londoniensis (Amsterdam: 1981) 113-26; “The First Prologue of Babrius: Lines 14-16,” ICS 7 1982) 233-8; “ “Babrius and the Byzantine Fable,” in XXXes Entretiens sur l’antiquité Classique: la fable, ed. O. Reverdin (Vandoeuvres: Fondation Hardt, 1984) 197-244; “Gladstone and the Early Reception of Schliemann in England,” in Heinrich Schliemann nach hundert Jahren, ed. W.M. Calder III & J. Cobet (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1990) 415-30; “Seventy Years before The Golden Bough: George Grote’s Unpublished ‘Essay on Magick’  in The Cambridge Ritualists Reconsidered, ed. W.M. Calder III, Illinois Classical Studies  Suppl. 2 (1991) 263-74; “Schliemann and Gladstone: New Light from Unpublished Documents,” in Heinrich Schliemann: Grundlagen und Ergebnisse moderner Archaeologie 100 Jahre nach Schliemanns Tod, ed. J. Hermann (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1992) 73-6; Alexander Turyn,” Biographical Dictionary of North American Classicists, ed. W.W. Briggs, Jr. (Westport, CT & London: Greenwood, 1994) 654-6; “Babrius Fab. 78: a New MS,” ICS 19 (1994) 205-8; “Babrius,” Ancient Greek AuthorsDictionary of Literary Biography 176, ed. W.W. Briggs, Jr. (Detroit, Washington & London: Gale, 1997) 85-8; “George Grote and James Mill: How to Write History,” in George Grote Reconsidered, ed. W.M. Calder III & S. Trzaskoma (Hildesheim: Olms, 1996) 59-74; “Ben Edwin Perry,” American National Biography (New York & Oxford: Oxford U. Press, 1999) 17:361-2; “Alexander Turyn,” American National Biography (New York & Oxford: Oxford U. Press, 1999) 22:2-3; Babrius’ Mythiambi: Notes on the Constitution of the Text. Spudasmata83 Hildesheim: Olms, 2001); Teaching the English Wissenschaft: The Letters of George Cornewall Lewis to Karl Otfried Müller (1828-1839), Spudasmata 83 (Hildesheim: Olms, 2002); “W.E. Gladstone,” “George Cornewall Lewis,” “W.J.M. Starkie,” Dictionary of British Classicists, ed. R.B. Todd (Bristol: Thoemmes, 2004); “The ‘Aesop’ of Ambrose Bierce: a Newly Discovered Source.” CML 26 (2006) 1-7.